California’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) provides employment training resources for adults and dislocated workers. The ETPL includes qualified training providers who offer a wide range of educational programs, including classroom, correspondence, online, and apprenticeship programs.
The ETPL was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014.
The ETPL includes training providers who are eligible to receive Individual Training Accounts through WIOA Title I-B funds. View the ETPL Policy and Procedures (PDF) for more information.
A supplemental job displacement benefit is a voucher redeemable through ETPL-listed providers that helps pay for either educational retraining or skill enhancement, or both. If you received a voucher, submit it directly to the eligible training provider. The training provider will contact the claims administrator for direct payment. For more information, refer to the Department of Industrial Relations.
You can also contact a local America’s Job Center of California SM for additional help and information.
If you are a training provider who would like to be added to the ETPL, you must register by creating an account on CalJOBS. Local Workforce Development Boards will review your registration and verify your eligibility following the ETPL statewide policy and local procedures. Once you are confirmed to be an eligible training provider, you will be able to submit your training programs for the ETPL.
If you have questions about your application, contact your Local Area ETPL Coordinator. If you are not sure which Local Area ETPL Coordinator to contact, email us at and provide the address of your institution’s headquarters.
Tim Giles
Jose Espinoza
Flor Galvan
Linda Avakian