Traditional Nursing

**Applicants previously enrolled in any nursing program other than GSCC must provide a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or Director of the previous program. This letter will be submitted to the Program Director before the application deadline.

After acceptance to the nursing program students will be required to complete the following before registering for nursing courses:

Essential Functions are the fundamental job duties and skills associated with a particular position. Essential Functions for Nursing cover sensory perception, communication, interpersonal relationships, motor functions and professional behavior. All students are required to read the Essential Functions identified for Nursing Education and determine if they are capable of performing these functions with or without reasonable accommodation. Students must be able to: *

* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires colleges and universities to inform students of all performance expectations related to their job and school performance. In accordance with College policy, when requested, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the program director.