The General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Government-wide Policy, manages the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Services Provider (SSP) program. The primary program focus is to help agencies meet the policy intent of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, as well as achieve digital signature interoperability.
A GSA PKI SSP is a commercial PKI provider who has completed Federal PKI compliance activities to receive a certification authority certificate and is listed on the GSA Multiple Award Schedule. This document is reviewed annually and has three major sections:
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The GSA SSP Program has a long history of successfully providing digital certificate services for employees, contractors, and affiliates. The program was started in December 2004 when the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a directive, M-05-05, directing federal agencies to buy their digital certificate services through the SSP Program. Almost 20 years later, the program is a cornerstone for some federal agencies despite the drive to expand new services in a thin market.
In 2019, a new OMB directive, M-19-17, was released that requires shared services such as the SSP Program be updated to enable strong government oversight. In response to this directive, GSA is strengthening its oversight by establishing a framework among its Managing Partners and with approved SSPs. The framework is a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that provides clarity of intent and high-level responsibilities and accountability.
A GSA PKI Shared Service Provider is a commercial PKI vendor who has a signed MOA with the GSA PKI SSP Program Office and is listed on the GSA PKI SSP Multiple Award Schedule.
If a vendor fails to be added to the Multiple Award Schedule, GSA will rescind the Authorization to Operate and the Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority (FPKIPA) will revoke the certification authority certificate.
There are multiple advantages to becoming a GSA PKI SSP. They are as follows:
In making a business decision to join the SSP Program, it is important to understand what resources are needed to prepare for and keep your information systems in a good security posture.
The SSP Program is managed by the GSA Office of Government-wide Policy, Office of Technology Policy, Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division as the Program Office. Other offices within GSA support the Program Office as well.
The SSP Program Office oversees and guides the business and security practices necessary for SSPs to provide digital certificate services to federal agencies. Responsibilities include internal and external coordination for integrating and synchronizing program activities. They are as follows:
The GSA, Associate Deputy Administrator in the Office of Government-wide Policy, Office of Technology is the Authorizing Official of GSA PKI SSP vendor systems and is ultimately responsible for their secure operation. The GSA PKI SSP Program Office and Program Manager reside in the Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division within the Office of Technology Policy. The GSA PKI SSP Program Manager has the following responsibilities:
The GSA, Office of Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO) provides security policies and guidance so SSPs can implement security controls in their information systems to guard against cyber-attacks. The security team in the OCISO receives a Security Assessment Report (SAR) from the SSP to review the results of the security control assessment for the authorizing official and system owner. Based on the review, the OCISO makes a recommendation to the GSA Authorizing Official on whether to grant an Authorization to Operate (ATO) to a SSP. The decision is formalized in an ATO letter and provided to the GSA PKI SSP. The OCISO is also responsible for overseeing risk management activities with the GSA PKI SSP.
The GSA Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) connects government buyers with the GSA PKI SSPs. The FAS organization captures the GSA PKI SSP services and sets prices, terms, and conditions of the Special Item Number (SIN) on the GSA Multiple Award Schedule. The SSP SIN is intended to make it easier for potential buyers to search for the digital certificate services offered by the GSA PKI SSPs.
Federal agencies requiring digital certificate services from a SSP will send a Request for Quotation or a Request for Proposal based on the SSP SIN—sending alerts to SSPs. Federal agencies can expect a response from the SSPs that reflects the due diligence completed by the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) to offer SSPs that satisfy federal requirements.
Federal agencies’ participation in the SSP Program is important. While their purchases through the program help drive revenue, their ultimate participation leads to the Federal Government’s way of using trusted SSPs to issue and manage digital certificates for devices, federal employees, contractors, and other affiliated personnel. Additionally, federal agencies using the program will leverage the SSPs’ infrastructure components for digital certificate services, which can result in cost savings derived from economies of scale through large volume of certificate purchases.
Federal agencies have the opportunity to share in the risk management activities by providing their security controls or hybrid security controls to GSA for them to populate into a SSP’s security posture for a holistic view. This will help focus on the whole PKI solution rather than focus on the PKI infrastructure. Federal agencies are encouraged to participate in the security meetings with their SSP to jointly address problems related to risk.
There are five major steps to apply to become a GSA PKI SSP. They are as follows:
The GSA establishes a MOA with a GSA PKI SSP to communicate the mutually accepted actions of all parties involved in the agreement. The MOA indicates the parties in the agreement have reached an understanding of their roles and responsibilities and are moving forward with the acceptance of the SSP participating in the program. See Appendix A for a sample MOA.
A PKI Vendor will be asked for proof or to provide attestations regarding their systems and technical capabilities. Other pre-conditions may be applied as necessary, such as past performance, degree of experience, organizational maturity, and ability to scale operations to meet expected long-term demand and the rigors in completing the Federal PKI certification process.
Once an MOA is signed, the GSA PKI SSP will sponsor the vendor to apply to the Federal PKI Policy Authority.
A prospective GSA PKI SSP must meet the following basic pre-conditions as outlined in the X.509 Certificate Policy for the U.S. Federal PKI Common Policy Framework [COMMON CP] to demonstrate readiness for the PKI certification process.
Any changes to these pre-conditions will be coordinated through the GSA SSP Program Office, which can amend the conditions any time to ensure the best interests of the Federal Government are met. Once the GSA PKI SSP verifies the pre-conditions, the vendor submits this information to the Federal PKI Policy Authority to begin the Federal PKI Certification process.
The PKI Vendor must successfully meet five compliance and conformance activities with the FPKIPA:
If the Federal PKI Policy Authority approves the PKI vendor, both parties execute an MOA to establish roles, responsibilities, and requirements in maintaining the Federal PKI certification.
After an executed Federal PKI Policy Authority MOA is shared with the GSA PKI SSP Program Office, GSA can verify security activities to issue an ATO.
A Security Assessment & Authorization (SA&A) at the moderate impact level must be performed on the SSP’s information system by a third-party auditor. Performing an SA&A satisfies government requirements as specified in the Federal Information Security Modernization Act 2014 (FISMA 2014) and other associated documents. An SA&A includes three components—a security assessment, a resulting security authorization, and continuous monitoring.
The Security Assessment determines that selected controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security and privacy requirements for the system and the organization.
The Security Authorization provides organizational accountability by requiring a senior management official to determine if the security and privacy risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, and other organizations (if applicable) is acceptable. The security team within the GSA, OCISO reviews the SAR along with applicable security documents to recommend a Security Authorization to the GSA senior management official in the SSP Program Office.
NOTE: The ATO is not a governmentwide risk acceptance. Each federal agency must issue an ATO for its own use of the SSP services and review continuous monitoring deliverables to ensure the security posture remains sufficient for their continued use.
To avoid significant delays, a SSP should not use their own versions of SA&A-related documents or templates. It is important for the SSP to consider the resources needed for ongoing risk management activities.
Once a vendor receives an ATO, they apply to the GSA Multiple Award Schedule to complete the process and be recognized as a GSA PKI SSP.
Upon receiving an ATO and being confirmed as a GSA PKI SSP, the vendor is ready to apply to the GSA MAS to offer digital certificate services governmentwide. The schedule provides a customer agency with a level of assurance that the SSP has been pre-vetted and is offering the best value. Once a SSP is on a schedule, it affords them access to other GSA schedule opportunities.
NOTE: If the OCISO and SSP Program Office believe the SAR will be favorable based on preliminary reviews and discussions, the SSP does not have to wait for the ATO letter to submit an Information Technology Package to FAS. These efforts can be worked in parallel to offer digital certificate services on the day of receiving the ATO letter.
After the vendor is listed on the GSA MAS, the vendor submits a business and technical point of contact to the GSA PKI SSP Program Office. This information is publicly posted on under Government Identity Trust Services to identify the vendor as a GSA PKI SSP and assist agencies in identifying federally-compliant PKI services. GSA will market the Multiple Award Schedule and vendors listed on it as the premier vehicle for Federal Government agencies to acquire federally-compliant PKI services.
A GSA PKI SSP must complete ongoing maintenance activity to remain in the program. If these maintenance activities are not completed, the vendor may lose either its Authorization to Operate or Federal PKI certification.
A GSA PKI SSP must comply with all federal PKI-directed activities by:
The GSA PKI SSP Program Office and GSA’s security team perform continuous monitoring, annual checks, monthly scanning, vulnerability management, and other risk management strategies to maintain operational status. Risk management activities are documented in the IT Security Procedural Guide: Managing Enterprise Cybersecurity Risk CIO-IT Security-06-30 and the SSP Handbook.
The vendor must maintain its GSA PKI SSP MAS Contract to stay in compliance with the GSA PKI SSP MOA. If a vendor cannot maintain a GSA PKI SSP MAS Contract, the PKI vendor will coordinate decommission activity through the GSA PKI SSP Program Office with customer agencies, the Federal PKI Policy Authority, and supporting GSA offices.
While the SSP Program has primarily focused on digital certificates for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards, the [COMMON CP] provides opportunities (and supporting Object Identifiers (OIDs) for SSPs to offer additional services to federal agencies.
A PIV card is a hardware-based smart card that conforms to Federal Information Processing Standard 201. It contains five digital certificates of which four are available to the user. A PIV card is issued to either a federal employee or contractor who has a favorably-adjudicated Tier 1 or higher federal background investigation. PIV certificates issuance is contingent on the agency customer operating a card management system.
Certificates for authentication to logically and physically access federal assets | id-fpki-common-authentication |
Certificates for encrypted email | id-fpki-common-policy OR id-fpki-common-hardware |
Certificates to digitally sign emails and documents | id-fpki-common-hardware |
Certificates for Card Authentication | id-fpki-common-cardAuth |
Certificates used by a Card Management System to digitally sign content embedded in PIV cards | id-fpki-common-pivcontentSigning |
A derived PIV certificate is either a software or hardware certificate issued when the user demonstrates ownership of a PIV card. A derived PIV certificate is issued to a mobile device or other form factors such as FIDO USB security keys and device Trusted Platform Module. A derived PIV certificate is issued and used where it is difficult to leverage a smart card form factor such as on devices or platforms that cannot use a smart card reader.
Derived-PIV authentication certificates for use on mobile devices or other form factors such as FIDO USB security keys and Trusted Platform Modules | id-fpki-common-derived-pivAuth-hardware or id-fpki-common-derived-pivAuth |
Derived PIV signature certificates for use on mobile devices or other form factors such as FIDO USB security keys and Trusted Platform Modules | id-fpki-common-policy, id-fpki-common-hardware, or id-fpki-common-high |
Derived PIV encryption certificates for use on mobile devices or other form factors such as FIDO USB security keys and Trusted Platform Modules | id-fpki-common-policy, id-fpki-common-hardware, or id-fpki-common-high |
PIV Interoperable(PIV-I) is a hardware-based smart card that follows the same technical standard as the PIV card, can interoperate with the PIV infrastructure, but does not require a favorably adjudicated Tier 1 or higher federal background investigation. A PIV-I card is issued to individuals who do not qualify for a PIV card. See the PIV-I playbook for more details.
PIV Interoperable authentication certificates | id-fpki-common-pivi-authentication |
PIV Interoperable digital signature certificates | id-fpki-common-policy, id-fpki-common-hardware, or id-fpki-common-high |
PIV Interoperable encryption certificates | id-fpki-common-policy, id-fpki-common-hardware, or id-fpki-common-high |
PIV Interoperable card authentication certificates | id-fpki-common-pivi-cardAuth |
PIV Interoperable content signing certificates | id-fpki-common-pivi-contentSigning |
Device certificates can be issued to devices such as domain controllers, web sites, servers, or other types of devices on which they want to establish secure server-to-server type communications. Note: GSA PKI SSP device certificates are not publicly trusted and should not be used on public-facing websites or on websites with users outside the home agency.
Certificates to support secure HTTP connections with end users and servers providing interagency trust | id-fpki-common-devices or id-fpki-common-deviceHardware |
A digital signature certificate is used to digitally sign documents such as PDFs or Microsoft Word or digitally sign emails. An agency may also request a Digital Autopen signature certificate to sign documents for the Federal Register.
Certificates to digitally sign emails and documents | id-fpki-common-hardware |
Key Management Services store and manage private keys associated with encryption certificates. Examples might include Key Escrow and Recovery, Key History, and Data Decryption Services.
GSA established the GSA PKI SSP Program to help agencies identify and procure federally-compliant PKI services and digital certificates. There may be multiple types of PKI SSPsrs, but only one type of GSA PKI SSP. This clear definition not only helps agencies identify approved services, but also leverage the governmentwide acquisition vehicles for customer agencies to receive consistent pricing, terms, and services. The GSA PKI SSP Program Office maintains the SSP Program and coordinates government activity on behalf of the GSA PKI SSPs.
Memorandum of Agreement
Federal Public Key Infrastructure
Shared Service Provider Program
(Commercial Entities Only)
This Memorandum of Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by the General Services Administration, Office of Technology Policy (“OTP”), within the Office of Governmentwide Policy located at 1800 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20405 and the [name of the commercial SSP vendor ("Entity") located at [SSP vendor address], as of the date of OTP’s signature to this Agreement with a term of three years. The OTP and Entity will collectively be referred to as "Party" or the "Parties."
Specifically, the OCISO manages the security posture of the Entity’s information technology systems and the ITC makes the Entity’s shared PKI services available for purchase through a GSA contract vehicle. External to but in concert with GSA, the FPKIPA governs the certificate policies, requirements, and practices for the shared PKI services. This Agreement sets forth the respective responsibilities and obligations of the Parties.
If the issue is a security incident, the Entity must comply with GSA’s Incident-Response-[CIO-IT-Security-01-02-Rev-19] and report incident to the OTP and OCISO, as well as submit an incident report for follow-on reporting to the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the United States Congress, as applicable.
Name: Laura Stanton Title: Assistant Commissioner Organization: Federal Acquisition Service Office: Office of Information Technology Category (ITC)
Name: Dan Pomeroy Title: Deputy Associate Administrator Organization: Office of Governmentwide Policy Office: Office of Technology Policy (OTP)
Name: Bo Berlas Title: Chief Information Security Officer Office: Office of Chief Information Security (OCISO)