Coastal and Marine Science

Be a part of Australia's coastal and marine science community that is ensuring the sustainable management of our marine environment.

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About this course

Outline Outline

Marine environments all around the world are increasingly vulnerable to climate change and continued coastal development and resources extraction.

This major responds to the growing need to protect Australia's coastlines, with an emphasis on marine biology, oceanographic sciences and resource management.

The course is informed and delivered by staff with research expertise in fish ecology, coral reef ecology, marine pollution, coastal geomorphology, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. It has been designed with industry input, to ensure you develop scientific and marine research skills. You will be challenged to think as a marine scientist, developing your initiative and intellectual curiosity to help understand and protect the marine environment.

During your studies you'll interact with professionals working in marine and coastal science and management, such as Western Australia's departments of Fisheries, Environmental Protection, and Environment and Conservation; marine science consultancies; and Curtin's Centre for Marine Science and Technology.

This major sits within the Bachelor of Science (Science). It can also be studied as part of the Bachelor of Advanced Science course. To apply for this major, you will apply for the Bachelor of Science (Science).

Double degree options

You can study a Bachelor of Science (Coastal and Marine Science) with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Commerce.

See our handbook for more course information.

What jobs can the Coastal and Marine Science lead to?

