Scheme of National Award for Senior Citizens (Vayoshreshtha Sammans) was launched in 2005 and is dedicated to senior citizens. The Scheme is funded by the Central government. This scheme is applicable for eminent senior citizens and institutes involved in rendering distinguished services for the cause of elderly persons. Institutes and senior citizens can avail this scheme by contacting Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
Get downloadable forms of schemes for care of older persons by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Application cum monitoring forms for grants in aid to voluntary organisations working in the field of integrated programmes for older persons and verification by authorised signatory forms can also be downloaded. Lists of beneficiaries, details of social defence, offices, staff employed and forms of utilisation certificates are also available. Details of documents to be attached with the application form are also provided.
You can search pension benefit schemes of the Central and State Governments offered to citizens. To search various pension benefit schemes, you need to select the criterion such as your gender, age, occupation, state, and provide your mobile number, etc.