How to apply for a Health Certificate to Export Consumer Products in Dubai?

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This service enables you to obtain a health certificate for consumer products registered in Dubai Municipality for export, which includes; cosmetics, personal care products, fragrances, health supplements, detergents, biocides and food contact materials.

Documents Required

How to apply for a Health Certificate to Export Consumer Products in Dubai?

Fees Required

Time Required

Terms and Conditions


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Which consumer products are covered in this service?
1. Cosmetics and personal care products 2. Fragrances 3. Health supplements 4. Biocides 5. Detergents 6. Food contact materials.

What is the validity of the Export Health Certificate?
30 days from date of issue and is valid for one consignment only.

What is the difference between the health certificate to export consumer products and food contact materials registration certificate?
The health certificate is issued upon the customer's request to consignments of consumer products (cosmetics, personal care, perfumes, health supplements, biocides, detergents & food contact materials) intended for export as per the country of destination requirements and is valid only for one consignment. However, the food contact materials registration certificate is issued for the importation and distribution of food contact materials in the local market and is valid for two years.

Is it possible to obtain a registration certificate for food contact materials through this service?