Many individuals and families interested in hosting a foreign exchange student have questions about the host family approval process. This process involves a series of checks that ensure our host family applicants meet not only the requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of State but also the additional quality-assurance requirements set by ISE. In this article, we’ll discuss the process of applying to host an exchange student, which entails:
ISE relies on our field team and Compliance Department to ensure that all exchange students are placed in a safe, positive environment.
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We invite you to read more about hosting a foreign exchange student. If you have specific questions about hosting, check out our host family FAQ page . You can also read testimonials from our past and current host families. When you feel ready, complete our host family interest form , and our area representative will get in touch with you.
Read about the Rules and Policies for the students.
Read the Host Family Handbook to learn more!
You can also get involved by joining our team of Area Representatives! Help match host families and exchange students and bring the world closer together, while making a supplemental income.
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